Democratic Republic of Congo

Population Statistics


Total Population


Population with a disability

according to World Health Organization’s 15% estimate

Election Dates

30 September 2015

Ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Congo (2005, last amended 2011)

Updated: June 2015

Article 72 states:

No one may serve as a candidate for election as President of the Republic if he does not meet the conditions full possession of civil and political rights, is not excluded under the electoral law.


Article 102 states:

No one may be a candidate for legislative elections if he does not meet the conditions full possession of civil and political rights, is not excluded under the electoral law.


Article 106 states:

No one may be a candidate for a member of the Senate if he does not meet the conditions full possession of civil and political rights, is not excluded under the electoral law.


Excerpts from the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2005, last amended 2011)

Law No. 06/006 for the Organization of Presidential, Legislative, Provincial, Urban, Municipal and Local Elections ...

Updated: June 2015

Article 10 states:

Are ineligible to present their candidature for an election...

  • (4) Those people struck with medically proven total mental incapacity in the five years preceding the election.


Article 13 states:

Every party list is drawn up taking into account a joint representation of men and women and of the promotion of people living with a handicap.


Excerpts from the Law No. 06/006 for the Organization of Presidential, Legislative, Provincial, Urban, Municipal and Local Elections (2006, last amended 2011)