
Population Statistics


Total Population


Population with a disability

according to World Health Organization’s 15% estimate

Election Dates

28 September 2009

Ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Electoral Law (1961, last amended 1999)

Updated: June 2015

Article 93 states:

After folding and sticking the combined ballot papers in the voting booth, voters shall leave the booth and insert the combined ballot papers personally in the ballot-box. Disabled voters, with apparent disability such as blindness, stroke, paralysis or similar physical defects may be accompanied by one of their relatives who are voters in the same election district or, in the absence of any relative, by any other voter to provide assistance in casting their votes. A voter can not accompany to more than one disabled. The chairman of the ballot-box committee shall, while delivering the voter his/her identity card, have the voter sign the box adjacent to his/her name in the voter list and mark the left index finger of the voter with special permanent ink. Voters not able to sign may affix their finger print on the signature box in the list. Voters lacking the said index finger may imprint any other finger and the chairman shall write on the list to which finger the print belongs. The chairman shall mark the neck part of voters having no fingers.


Excerpt from the Electoral Law (1961, last amended 1999)