Total Population
Population with a disability
according to World Health Organization’s 15% estimateRatified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Article 41, section 6 states:
If some voters cannot come to the polling station due to their state of health, by the reasons of nursing after an ill member of their family, including the voters living in the remote and hard-to-reach areas where no polling stations have been formed, the precinct election commission shall organize voting in the place of stay of such voter on the basis of their written applications to be submitted not later than twelve hours before the Election Day of the local time.Upon a receipt of the application mentioned in this clause, the chairperson of the election commission shall make a corresponding mark in the voter register against the surname of the voter who has submitted an application. During organization of voting outside the premise of polling station two members of the election commission shall accompany the portable ballot-box. Members of the precinct election commission shall be obliged to inform observers, proxies
and media representatives about voting of such voters outside the polling station. At the departure of the members of the election commission for voting outside the polling station, the observers or proxies shall be eligible to accompany them. At voting outside polling station, the members of the election commission must be provided with the necessary quantity of ballots taking into account their possible damage. At voting outside polling station the ballot-paper (ballot-papers) shall be issued to the voters on the basis of an application for voting outside the polling station and the voters shall put their signature in the application in confirmation of their will. The member of the commission who has issued the ballot-paper (ballot-papers) shall put his/her signature in it as well as shall sign the application for voting outside polling station.
Article 14 states:
(1) Everyone shall be equal before the law and court.
(2) No one shall be subject to any discrimination for reasons of origin, social, property status, occupation, sex, race, nationality, language, attitude towards religion, convictions, place of residence or any other circumstances.