
On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2020

Updated: May 2021

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Article 14 – Participation in political and public life


1. The State shall ensure the equal and full participation of persons with disabilities in the political and public life of the country, directly or through a representative selected on the basis of the expression of free will, as well as the right of persons with disabilities to vote and be elected without discrimination on an equal basis with others.


2. A person with disabilities shall be able to have access to the public information required to exercise a voting right. Issues relating to the provision of proper conditions required for the unhindered exercise of voting right by a person with disabilities shall be regulated by electoral legislation.


4. The State shall promote the operation of representative organizations, the main goal of which is to exercise and protect the rights of persons with disabilities, as well as such organizations whose management processes involve persons who are mainly persons with disabilities and/or their legal representatives.


Excerpt from "On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities." 

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Article 14 – Participation in political and public life


3. The State shall recognize Georgian sign language. Georgian sign language is a means of communication with deaf and hearing-impaired persons residing in Georgia, based on a visual-manual modality. The State recognizes Georgian sign language as a means of communication between people, as well as one of the means of education of deaf and hearing-impaired persons, and shall ensure the creation of the conditions necessary for the use and development of Georgian sign language.


Article 4 – Independent life


1. The State shall promote the independent life of a person with disabilities and his/her full participation in all areas of public life on an equal basis with others, as well as provide access to a range of supporting services and public facilities, and the means of communication required for his/her full participation in public life. Means of communication shall include: language, displayed text, Braille, tactile communication, large font, available multimedia, as well as writing and audio devices, simplified language, readers, enhanced and alternative communication methods, means, and formats, including available information and communication technologies.


Article 21 – Obligations of an administrative body


b) ensure full access to all relevant services in its system for persons with disabilities, including offering programs and materials customized and adapted to relevant needs (such as audiobooks, books printed in Braille, sign language interpretation, subtitles).


Excerpt from "On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities."