Costa Rica

Electoral Code (2009)

Updated: June 2015

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Article 181 states:

…[People with visual impairment] will be able to vote in secret if they prefer to do so, by the system of a ballot guide, for which the TSE will take corresponding provisions. … In the case of not being able to vote by themselves:

  • (a) They will be able to be accompanied to the precincts by a person of trust who will cast a vote for them.
  • (b) They will be able to do so publicly when they explicitly request the assistance of the polling board; in such a case, the head of the polling station will vote according to the instructions of the voter.


Excerpt from the Electoral Code (2009)

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Article 171 states:

Priority will be given to persons with disabilities, pregnant women, or elderly people.


Article 178 states:

The Tribunal will take into account in the regulation the necessary exceptions in order to guarantee the right of suffrage to persons with disabilities and the elderly.


Article 181 states:

…[People with visual impairment] will be able to vote in secret if they prefer to do so, by the system of a ballot guide, for which the TSE will take corresponding provisions. … In the case of not being able to vote by themselves:

  • (a) They will be able to be accompanied to the precincts by a person of trust who will cast a vote for them.
  • (b) They will be able to do so publicly when they explicitly request the assistance of the polling board; in such a case, the head of the polling station will vote according to the instructions of the voter.


Article 290 states:

A fine of 2-10 days base salary will be imposed…

  • (e) upon anyone who during election day obstructs in any form a person with disability or reduced mobility or an elderly individual from access to voting stations.


Excerpts from the Electoral Code (2009)

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Article 208 states:

In case of death, resignation, or supervening incapacity of the duly appointed candidates for the Presidency or Vice presidency of the Republic…the replacement will be made according to the statutes of the respective party, or in its defect, according to the agreement of the National Assembly. After this period and only in cases of death or supervening incapacity, the vacancy shall be filled by promotion, from the candidates for the Vice Presidency.


Excerpt from the Electoral Code (2009)