Radio subtitles and transcripts

In general, audio files (such as radio spots) have been converted into videos for so that we are more easily able to provide subtitles. Most videos have a black background, but a few include photos.


For more information on how to turn on captions in a video, please visit the "Captions for videos" help page. You can see an example of how subtitles are used for radio spots in the screenshot below: 


In the background is a photo of a woman using a wheelchair to move up a ramp. Captions are shown below.



Sometimes, we are not able to provide subtitles for radio spots right away. When this happens, we provide a written record of the conversation, which is called a transcript. An example transcript from a Myanmar radio spot is shown below:




First man: “On my way into the office this morning, I have deeply felt for a disabled person with a wheelchair who is selling lottery tickets at the bus station.”

Second man: “Yes, me too. I also have empathy for him. He never gives up, and is struggling to live with his capabilities.

First man: “You are right. There are a lot of persons with disabilities in society like him. According to the World Report on Disability published in 2011, 15% of the world’s population are living with disabilities. Based on this calculation, there are six million persons with disabilities in Myanmar.”