Mexico's National Electoral Institute Encourages Persons with Disabilities to Vote

Updated: July 2018

Mexico's National Electoral Institute released a voter education video encouraging persons with disabilities to vote during the July 1st elections. The video includes sign language interpretation and is available in Spanish. Transcripts in English and in Spanish of the video are below.


(English transcript begins)

Persons with disabilities are citizens with political electoral rights. Nothing stops us from participating in important decisions in our country. The INE (National Electoral Institute) guarantees us the right to vote this July 1st, raising our voice. Equally with you, today, we have the duty to do it. It is also in our hands to decide the future of Mexico. What stop you from voting sometimes? Nothing stops us from doing it. Free vote!


(Spanish transcript begins)

Las personas con discapacidad somos ciudadanas y ciudadanos con derechos politico electorales. Nada nos impide participar en las decisiones importantes de nuestro pais. EL INE nos garantiza nuestro derecho al Voto por lo que este 1 de julio alzaremos nuestra voz. Al igual que tu, ese dia, temenos un deber ciudadano que cumplir. En nuestras manos tambien esta decidir sobre el futuro de Mexico. A ti te impide algo votar? A nosotros nada nos impide hacerlo. Vota libre!