Persons with Disabilities: Potential Candidates and Electors

Updated: January 2016

This video was produced by the Election Commission of Cameroon (ELECAM) in advance of the October 2011 presidential elections. It highlights the work of disabled persons' organizations (DPOs) and international organizations to encourage and promote greater political participation of persons with disabilities in Cameroon, and includes an interview with Dr. Joseph Oye, from Sightsavers Cameroon. 




Man: (speaking French)

Woman: Hello viewers and listeners. This is Elecam Handi, the bilingual program that connects persons with disabilities to the electoral process in Cameroon. Thanks to accessible communication techniques, we do not only bring you news, views, and interviews, we equally go beyond these borders in a big to ascertain inclusive elections in Cameroon.

Man: (speaking French)

Woman: Dr. Joseph Oye is a trained ophthalmologist currently working as country director of Sightsavers Cameroon, a branch of an international nongovernmental organization that specializes in the prevention of avoidable blindness and the promotion and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities. In this light, Sightsavers has led in the setting up of a coalition platform between Elections Cameroon and organizations working in the field in view of enhancing the independent participation of people with disabilities in the electoral process in Cameroon. So far, seminar workshops have been organized, awareness-raising documents have been transcribed in braille and interpreted into sign language. Direct financial and technical support have been dished out and political and opinion leaders have been called on board to support the sociopolitical integration of people with disabilities in society. Most of all, some 12 pilot polling stations are being made accessible over the national territory. To tell us more, Dr. Oye joins us in an interview.

Dr. Oye: (speaking in French)

Man: (speaking in French)

Woman: Good-bye viewers and listeners, and thanks for keeping the faith in accessible elections and, most of all, in Elecam Handi.

(music plays)


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